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Jessie Ball duPont Library

Church History

Resources for Mid-term paper

The question

"After the Council of Chalcedon, the Church was more divided than ever before."  Discuss.


Coman, J  "The doctrinal definitionof the Council of Chalcedon and its reception in the Orthodox Church in the East."  The Ecumenical Review, Ocotber 1970: 363-382

Available through ATLA Religion Database and ATLA Serials.

ATLA Religion with ATLASerials

ATLA Religion with ATLASerials

Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church

Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology  Grace, Eden. "The conciliar nature of the Orthodox Church: definition and implication."


Author MacMullen, Ramsay, 1928-
Title Voting about God in early church councils [electronic resource] / Ramsay MacMullen.
