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Jessie Ball duPont Library

Find Course Reserves

How to find books and other materials placed on reserve for certain classes

Find Course Reserves

Searching for Course Reserves

You can find reserve materials for a course by searching for the professor's last name or the course number, e.g. ENGL 101.  Lists for each course can include books, ebooks, DVDs and streaming media.  Each listing links to the catalog record for that item. For physical items on reserve, you just need the call number to request the item at the desk. For ebooks and streaming media, the catalog record will have the link to view the resource online.

Course Reserves

The Library purchases a copy of each print book and ebook (if available) requested by faculty for their classes and places them on three-hour reserve check-out at the Circulation Desk on the main floor.  

Fines are .75 cents per hour for overdue reserves.

Books with reserve stickers on a shelf