Dear Patrons,
The School of Theology Library is embedded into the University Library, yet it has distinct spaces and services. Most of our library resources are housed on the third floor of the Jessie Ball duPont Library, however, a robust Teaching Reference Collection is housed in the newly renovated Hamilton Hall. The School of Theology Library collections including Theology Reference, Theology Periodicals (current and bound), Diocesan Journals, as well as the general collection for Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, and World Religions are all located on the third floor. There are also 16 computers, a photocopier, and numerous study tables and carrels on the third floor of duPont. The Urban T. Holmes reading area is furnished with comfortable leather overstuffed furniture for everyone who needs a cozy study place. Most importantly, the third floor is the "quiet" study floor for the entire Library, a very coveted space for everyone who needs to focus on research and learning.
After the renovation of Hamilton Hall (completed in the Fall of 2024), we are fortunate to have a sizable Reading Room offering a basic teaching and preaching reference. The Diocese of Texas Reading Room provides access to the following (sub)collections: Theology Course Reserves, a sample of Theological Journals including our own ATR (Anglican Theological Review) and STR (Sewanee Theological Review), Basic Theological Reference including Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Biblical Commentaries, the Loeb Classical Library, our Liturgical Preaching Collection, the Spanish Theology Collection, Faculty Publications, and our most precious donation, a copy of the 7 volumes of St. John Heritage Bible edition.
Please enjoy our resources and use them for your edification!
Romulus D. Stefanut, PhD, MSLIS
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About the Library
Jessie Ball duPont Library, University of the South
178 Georgia Avenue, Sewanee, TN 37383