A full text database of over 210 newspapers, magazines and journals from alternative and independent presses. The alternative viewpoints and perspectives complement and challenge mainstream media coverage. Many of these publications are difficult to locate and acquire in their printed format. 1970 to present.
A collection of articles and sources on a wide range of topics: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and many general interest topics. Sources include scholarly and popular periodicals, newspapers, and newswires. Date coverage: 1980 to present. Updated daily.
This database is useful to users conducting general reference queries, business searches, and current event research. The addition of a browse-by-subject feature allows users to easily view content of interest on the most popular and most-searched topics within several distinct categories, including news, current events, health, and computers and technology.
Provides full text of articles from approximately 2,700 publications (many of them peer-reviewed.) Also includes abstracts and indexing from over 4,000 publications. Covers every core undergraduate subject (sciences, humanities, social sciences, business, and education) as well as cross-disciplinary areas such as ethnic studies, women’s studies, history. 1982 to present.
All the content of these full-text databases as well the full runs of every full-text journal they index: Education Full Text, General Science Full Text, Humanities Full Text, Readers' Guide Full Text, Social Sciences Full Text, Wilson Business Full Text. Also contains the full text from ONLY the journals in selected databases to which Wilson has full text rights: Applied Science & Technology Full Text, Art Full Text, Biological & Agricultural Index Plus, Index to Legal Periodicals Full Text, and Library Literature & Information Science Full Text. Contains abstracts and indexing from over 4,000 publications. Search interface: EBSCOhost.
A collection of reviews, interviews, and features on rock music artists from a variety of music magazines, including Rolling Stone, Creem, Mojo, Guitar World, The Independent, NME, etc. Includes material from 1960 to present; updated weekly.
Contains the content of several national and Tennessee newspapers, both historical and current. Indexes can be searched individually or in combination by names, events, and subjects. Updated daily.
Historical: Atlanta Constitution 1868-1945. Christian Science Monitor 1908-1996. New York Times 1851-2007. Wall Street Journal 1889-1993. Washington Post 1877-1994. Current: Chicago Tribune 1985-present. Los Angeles Times 1985-present. New York Times 1980-present. Wall Street Journal 1984-present. Washington Post 1987-present.