Here are some tips for searching for Sewanee-related topics in our library catalog.
You might try some of these searches if they are connected to the topic you are researching.
Use the keyword search in the catalog and try these combinations or combinations like them:
Locations of the books you will find in the catalog
When you look up a book in our library catalog, you will mainly see two locations for the books that you find in your results:
Sewanee General Collection: The general collection just refers to all of the books that you can check out from the library. General collection books are found on all three floors of the library, arranged by call numbers that begin with letters (usually). You can find out where your books would be by using the maps and location guides found on all the floors. Or just ask us at the front desk, we're happy to help you!
Sewanee Archives Books or Sewanee Archives: The library archives is on the third floor of the library and accessible only when Archives staff are available there. Books and other items in the Archives must be used there and remain there.
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About the Library
Jessie Ball duPont Library, University of the South
178 Georgia Avenue, Sewanee, TN 37383