A collection of over 3,000,000 reference entries on topics from all the major
academic subject areas serving as a great starting point for research. Full text articles plus images, audio files, and videos. Credo Reference also includes cross-references to other full text titles containing related information.
Includes more than 450 encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, guides, and atlases in all fields. Sources are selected from 100 major publishers, such as ABC Clio, Bloomsbury, Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Greenwood, Penguin, Routledge, Sage, Thames and Hudson, Wiley, and more.
Cities and Sexualities by Phil HubbardFrom the hotspots of commercial sex through to the suburbia of twitching curtains, urban life and sexualities appear inseparable. Cities are the source of our most familiar images of sexual practice, and are the spaces where new understandings of sexuality take shape. In an era of global business and tourism, cities are also the hubs around which a global sex trade is organised and where virtual sex content is obsessively produced and consumed. Detailing the relationships between sexed bodies, sexual subjectivities and forms of intimacy, Cities and Sexualities explores the role of the city in shaping our sexual lives. At the same time, it describes how the actions of urban governors, city planners, the police and judiciary combine to produce cities in which some sexual proclivities and tastes are normalised and others excluded. In so doing, it maps out the diverse sexual landscapes of the city - from spaces of courtship, coupling and cohabitation through to sites of adult entertainment, prostitution, and pornography. Considering both the normative geographies of heterosexuality and monogamy, as well as urban geographies of radical/queer sex, this book provides a unique perspective on the relationship between sex and the city. Cities and Sexualities offers a wide overview of the state-of-the-art in geographies and sociologies of sexuality, as well as an empirically-grounded account of the forms of desire that animate the erotic city.nbsp; It describes the diverse sexual landscapes that characterise both the contemporary Western city as well as cities in the global South.nbsp; The book features a wide range of boxed case studies as well as suggestions for further reading at the end each chapter. It will appeal to undergraduate students studying Geography, Urban Studies, Gender Studies and Sociology.
Call Number: On reserve: HT119 .H83 2012
ISBN: 9780415566476
Publication Date: 2011
Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender by Fedwa Malti-Douglas (Editor)Gender studies have become a major academic field in the past 25 years, providing a lens through which to reexamine and reevaluate knowledge in every area of human interaction and activity. The Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender encompasses the various concepts of sex and gender that have arisen from the critical study of those subjects worldwide, as well as the emerging reimagination of the more traditional humanities and social sciences. Broad theoretical essays address issues of sex and gender at the personal and the social level; others examine issues of identity, status, class, ethnicity, race, and nation; of sexuality and the body; of social institutions and the structures of representation -- all through the lens of gender. With a truly global perspective, topics of individual entries include changing conceptions of the feminine, the family and masculinity, religion, morality, cultural images, medical practice, public health, economy and society and many more. In addition, the work discusses the influences of gender studies on various academic disciplines, examining how it has transformed and utilized methods and theories that have evolved.
Call Number: Ebook
ISBN: 9780028661155
Publication Date: 2007
Sexuality in World History by Peter N. Stearns'Expansive and accessible, Peter Stearns' Sexuality in World History offers a much needed introduction to histories of sexuality from a global perspective.' ¿ Mary Spongberg- Head of Department of Modern History, Macquarie University, USA This book examines sexuality in the past, and explores how it helps explain sexuality in the present. The subject of sexuality is often a controversial one, and exploring it through a world history perspective emphasises the extent to which societies, including our own, are still reacting to historical change through contemporary sexual behaviours, values, and debates. The study uses a clear chronological structure to focus on major patterns and changes in sexuality ¿ both sexual culture and sexual behaviours ¿ in the main periods of world history, with comparison and discussion across cultures and societies. Topics covered include: issues involved in studying the history of sexuality the sexual implications of the transition from hunting and gathering economies to agricultural economies sexuality in Classical societies the post-Classical period and the spread of the world religions sex in an age of trade and colonies changes in sexual behaviours and sexual attitudes between 1750 and 1950 sex in contemporary world history. The book is a vital contribution to the study of world history, and is the perfect companion for all students of the history of sexuality.