When searching in TigerSearch for Books or eBooks, enter your key words and then select All Filters.
Find Source Types, then select Books and eBooks. This will narrow your search to items in our print collection in the library as well as eBooks from digital collections and databases.
Phrase Searching - Adding " " around a key concept made up of two or more words will tell the database to search for those words exactly as they are arranged, ensuring more relevant results.
Boolean Operators AND OR NOT - These are database symbols that tell the database how to search for your words
Print books in the library can be found by using the Filter in Tigersearch called Print Books only. In general, books related to Native Americans can be found in the ranges below:
Library of Congress Subheadings do still include outdated terminology for Native Americans and Indigenous peoples - many books published on related subjects likely use the same outdated terminology. You may need to include "American Indian" as a synonym when searching for materials related to indigenous peoples to the Americas to captures research published in the past.
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Jessie Ball duPont Library, University of the South
178 Georgia Avenue, Sewanee, TN 37383