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Jessie Ball duPont Library

Chemistry 417: Advanced Biochemistry

A guide to basic information resources on Advanced Biochemistry, Chemistry 417.

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Provides a general overview of spice chemistry. Discusses the characterization, extraction, and intensity of flavors. Identifies the flavor components and antioxidant properties of specific spices.

Molecular Gastronomy: Exploring the Science of Flavor

Bringing the instruments and experimental techniques of the laboratory into the kitchen, This uses recent research in the chemistry, physics, and biology of food to challenge traditional ideas about cooking and eating. 

Chemistry in the Kitchen Garden

The book is aimed at readers with a chemical background who wish to know a little more about the natural products that they are eating, their beneficial effects, and the roles that these compounds have in nature. 

Chemistry in the Garden

The aim of this book is to describe some aspects of the chemistry and chemical ecology which are found in the garden.

Fundamentals of Medicinal Chemistry

Provides a concise introduction to the chemistry of therapeutically active compounds, written in a readable and accessible style. 

The Extraordinary Chemistry of Ordinary Things

Shows how chemistry affects our lives. * To emphasize the experimental basis of chemistry, chapters begin with demonstrations that readers can perform for themselves. * Think, Speculate, Reflect, and Ponder sections include questions that ask readers to think critically about the connections between chemistry, society, and individual values.

Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America

The history of food and drink in America is an exciting tale of unexpected twists and turns that are even more amusing than the oft-repeated myths.