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Jessie Ball duPont Library

Physics 305: Advanced Laboratory

A guide to basic information resources on Advanced Laboratory, Physics 305.

SciFinder User Registration Guide

SciFinder Tutorials & Guides

For tutorials, e-seminars, how-to guides, and more, check out this support site from CAS:

Register for a SciFinder account

Here are the instructions for accessing the SciFinder database.  It requires registration from on campus by following the link below. 

<-- Look at this handout from CAS with a very particular set of rules for the user name and password that you will need to set up.

After you register, they'll send you an email to give you access to the Web version so then you can use it.  Keep in mind that we have limited 'seats' to use this database so you may not always be able to 'get in'. 

Here is the address for registration: 

Please let me know if you have any problems or questions.