The indexes below are among the best to use when performing research in French Studies. For an expanded listing of possible resources, see the French and French Studies listing in the Electronic Databases by Subject. Use the Journal Finder to help you locate the full-text of articles you have identified in one or more of the indexes listed here. Just type in the title of the journal to see where it is available. If we do not have access to it, you can request the article via Sewanee ILL, our interlibrary loan program, which is linked below.
Le Monde
Express AP20.E926 unbound issues from 2003-present Lexis Nexis Academic
Paris Match AP20 .P342 six months in library Freely Accessible Journal
Quinzaine litteraire AP20 .Q53 unbound newsprint issues from 1988-present
Revue des Sciences Humaines B2 .R18 2004-present
Bibliotheque d'Humanisme et Renaissance CB361 .B5 1963-present
Vingtieme Siecle D410 .V54 JSTOR 1984-2006 Three years in library
Yale French Studies DC1 .Y3 JSTOR 1948-2007 Two years in library
Contemporary French Civilization DC33.9 .C66 1998-present
Presence Africaine DT348 .P75 1970-present
Bulletin monumental N2 .B95 1982-present
Revue de l'Art N2 .R48 1987-present
French Review PC2001 .F75 JSTOR 1927-2004 Five years in library
Journal of French language studies PC2001 .J68 1995-present
French Studies PQ1 .F85 1964-present
L'Esprit Createur PQ1 .E77 1961-present Project Muse 1996-present
Revue d'histoire litteraire de la France PQ2 .R5 1964-present
Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature PQ243 .P36 1992-present Literature Resource Center
Nineteenth-century French studies PQ1 .N55 1972-present Art Full Text 1997-present
Theology periodicals
Ephemerides theologicae Lovanienses 1964-present
Irénikon : bulletin mensuel des moines de l'Union des églises 1937-present
La Maison-Dieu 1946-present
Proche-Orient chrétien 1951-present
Questions Liturgiques 1970-present
Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 1929-1953, 1983-1996
Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales 1998-present
Revue Benedictine 1933-present
Revue Biblique 1946-present
Revue d'histoire ecclesiastique 1964-present
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses 1961-present
La Revue Reformee 1964-present
Revue théologique de Louvain 1979-present
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