
Jessie Ball duPont Library

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Proquest One Literature Offers Diverse Voices and Perspectives

~[394]~ Pat Dover ~[395]~ 2021-08-08T10:12:13-05:00 | 0 ~[396]~

Whether you are a student researching a literature term paper or an instructor planning a literature course, a great place to start is Proquest One Literature. Developed in collaboration with faculty, scholars and librarians, ProQuest One Literature helps users employ the varied content they need to examine literary topics and voices for research, critical perspectives and course planning.

ProQuest One Literature provides online access to literature citations from thousands of journals, books, and dissertations, and over 500,000 complete and unabridged primary works including fiction, verse, and drama from the eighth century to today. Multimedia resources, including theatrical performances and author readings, introduce students to new interpretations that challenge assumptions. Author, Literary Movement, and Literary Work pages provide context and help users frame and study differences and similarities of primary texts and authors across topical, societal, historical, philosophical and stylistic categories.

ProQuest One Literature includes more than 30 Literature Collections that center around three main categories: canonical texts, non-English content, and underrepresented authors and their works. Each collection has a unique landing page that faculty can share with classes and where users can discretely browse and search the original works of prose, poetry, and drama contained in each collection. For example, The Black Women Writers collection presents 100,000 pages of literature and essays on feminist issues, written by authors from Africa and the African diaspora. Facing both sexism and racism, black women needed to create their own identities and movements. The collection documents that effort, presenting the woman’s perspective on the diversity and development of black people generally, and in particular the works document the evolution of black feminism.

You can find ProQuest One Literature in the A-Z Databases list on the Library’s website, or link to it here.




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