The Artstor Digital Library provides access to 2.5+ million images of the world’s cultural heritage, all rights-cleared for use in education. And unlike results from Google or other image search engines, all content co
mes with reliable metadata from the collection catalogers, curators, institutions, and artists themselves.
This far-reaching content encompasses anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art history, fashion & costume, literature, religion, theater, world history, and much more in a single, easy-to-use resource. Our 280+ collections include:
Modern and contemporary art and design from MoMA and thousands of Polaroids from Warhol’s personal collection from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
Art and artifacts from the Louvre and Greek and Roman sculpture from the Berlin State Museums
Plans and blueprints of modern architecture from Columbia University and contemporary architectural photography from Art on File
Documentary journalism from Magnum Photos and historical photography from George Eastman House
Fashion photographs from Condé Nast and costume history from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Manuscripts and early printed books from the Bodleian Library and botanical and zoological illustrations from Cook’s Voyages to the South Seas
For access to all features, you must register for a free account when connected to this database while on campus. You will set up your own username and password.
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About the Library
Jessie Ball duPont Library, University of the South
178 Georgia Avenue, Sewanee, TN 37383