When should I use TigerSearch?
TigerSearch is the place for general searches. With a single search, you can find all of the Library's materials, including articles. Use key words and phrases that you pull from your assignments or other sources to create a search.
The facets on the left give you lots of ways to target your results, by language, by geographic area, and by type of material, and also gives you ideas for related searches.
The TigerSearch articles search is great for searching multiple databases and journal collections all at the same time. You can choose groups of databases to search in using the subject portfolios at the left.
What does TigerSearch search?
TigerSearch searches our library’s holdings, which the Classic Catalog also searches, along with the contents of most of our databases. Some databases are not accessible to TigerSearch, so if you want to search those databases, you need to go to them directly. (See a list of databases not included in TigerSearch below.)
Is the old library catalog going away?
No, the original online catalog is still available. You can still search it by selecting "Catalog."
When should I use the old catalog?
The regular catalog can be used for keyword searches, much like TigerSearch. However, it is also useful for "known item searches." If you know the title or author of a book, for instance, the catalog makes it very easy to search. Once again, you may use key words or phrases to build a search. But you can also use footnotes and bibliographies to find specific sources for which you can search.
What advanced searches can I do in the TigerSearch search box?
The initial TigerSearch search is an "and" keyword search. You do not need to add the word AND.
Use "quotation marks" to search for words together as one phrase.
Truncation: enviro* pol* will yield books on environment, environment politics, environment policy, etc.
Databases not searchable through TigerSearch (you have to go to these databases individually in order to search their contents):
Time period: 1980-present
Location: United States
U.S. Newsstream (from ProQuest) enables users to search current U.S. news content, as well as archives that stretch back into the 1980s. This contemporary news collection delivers current, full-text news sources including newspapers, newswires, news journals, television and radio transcripts, blogs, podcasts, and digital-only websites. The collection offers access to major national sources including The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, CNN Newswires, and the Huffington Post. It also offers exclusive access to over 80 Gannett regional newspapers and includes hundreds of other local, regional, and national titles from throughout the U.S. All content can be searched together or separately.
The following U.S. regional collections are included:
Key U.S. titles include:
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About the Library
Jessie Ball duPont Library, University of the South
178 Georgia Avenue, Sewanee, TN 37383