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Jessie Ball duPont Library


How to use the JSTOR database for maximum efficiency and utility

Refine Results

Once you've made that initial general search on JSTOR, you will often be in the situation of having to sift through an inconceivable number of results. Unlike Google or other internet search engines, JSTOR is designed to help you narrow down that huge list. The first line for narrowing is the left-hand "Refine Results" menu which offers many options to limit your results list by date, source type, language, etc. 


Within the Refine Results menu, the most helpful option is to limit your results by subject. These options will update your results list to narrow down only to articles, chapters, etc. that fit within the specific academic discipline you choose (and the connection to each subject is assigned by a living, breathing person -- NOT an algorithm that looks for a certain number of words or the proximity of certain words to others)