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Jessie Ball duPont Library

Major Newspaper Websites



The Times, founded in 1785 as the Daily Universal Register, is the oldest national daily newspaper in the UK and holds an important place as the “paper of record” on public life, from politics and world affairs to business and sport.



Currently the library's site license does not provide for individual accounts. To read The Times, just go to this link and log in with your Sewanee single sign-on credentials:


Archive Search

With our IP access we have access to the extensive archive which goes back to 1785. The archive can be located at the bottom of the site page. The search results allow for sorting and further refinement of your search.


Another way to navigate the archive is to use the site map link, also locted at the bottom of the page. This approach allows you to browse the major articles published in issues by year back to January, 2000.