The Library has over 10,000 DVD videos, 4,000 music CDs, and 1,800 spoken word CD's. The collection was developed to support the instructional and research programs of the university, as well as the cultural and recreational needs of the community.
Our video collection contains both DVDs and Blu-ray discs. Videos have a loan period of seven days and patrons may borrow up to five titles at a time. Some videos are also on Reserve for class use. The collection is arranged into several sections. Animated, Children's Movies, Features, Foreign Films, and Television shows are shelved separately from the educational videos, which have Library of Congress call numbers.
The CD collection includes mainly classical and ethnic music and some popular music intended to support the curriculum. CD's are arranged by Audio-CD number, in the approximate order of purchase, so that the most recently acquired titles are at the end. The CD's have a 3-day loan period. Additional CD's and also vinyl LP recordings are housed in the Ralston Music Library.
This collection consists of spoken-word recordings in CD format. The collection is arranged in LC classification, except for two special categories:
Radio Shows
Example: The Amos 'n' Andy Show Call number: Audio Radio Amo
Children's Books and Stories
Example: Favorite Children's Stories Call number: Audio Children Fav
Spoken Audio CDs have a loan period of 5 weeks.
Recordings and videos purchased by the theology program to support its programs are no longer separated from the main collection, but a collection of older formats such as cassettes, slides, and kits are still housed in a media room adjacent to the Theology Reference office. Most materials are classified with LC call numbers and are available for checkout with varying loan periods.
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About the Library
Jessie Ball duPont Library, University of the South
178 Georgia Avenue, Sewanee, TN 37383