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Jessie Ball duPont Library

Library Collections

A guide to the collections of the duPont Library

Sewanee's Digital Repository

The University of the South DSpace Digital Repository is a campus service and resource designed to preserve and disseminate in digital form the scholarly output of Sewanee faculty, students, and staff. Find out more about the repository and link to the submission form here.

Some of the collections in DSpace are also available on the Internet Archive website. This site is not organized into collections the way DSpace is, but it has some different and/or additional searching capabilities.

Sewanee's Digital Images

Your access to our digital images is now easier through JSTOR (formerly Artstor). Our University Archives and Special Collections images are available in the Public Collections section of JSTOR. This means you do not need a University or JSTOR login to access the images.

Search Tips

  • Search for images across all of our digital image collections by using the search field at the top of the page (in the orange box).
  • Or, search within a specific collection by clicking on the collection, then searching.

Other Digital Collections

The Library provides access to many other purchased or subscribed digital collections, including

  • Images
  • Streaming Music, Audio, and Video
  • Newspapers, both current and historical
  • Primary historical sources, including digitized books, magazines, photographs, manuscripts, personal papers

Go to Databases

Collections in DSpace

More Collections in DSpace