Before requesting materials through interlibrary loan
Please check the library's catalog to see if we own a print or digital copy.
You can check journal article availability through both the Browzine and EBSCO Publication Finder located here.
Some databases provide a link to the FullText Finder tool that allows you to access the Sewanee ILL login screen if the library does not have full-text coverage of your needed article.
Ready to Request
You can request materials directly by logging in to your Sewanee ILL account via this link
Once you log in, you will see your Patron Dashboard. This screen allows you to create a new request, access your current requests, and view closed or canceled requests placed during the last five years.
To create a new request, click the purple Create Request button. You will then have a choice of three request types- Article/Book Chapter, Book, and Films/Media. In each case, blanks marked with an asterisk * require specific information to successfully submit your request. The more complete citation information you can provide the better. There is a Notes field on each request form where you can include additional information for library staff.
Tips for Different Material types
Article/Book Chapter
You can request chapters from print and e-books as well as journal articles. For copyright reasons, please only submit one chapter per request and note that due to fair-use limitations, we might not be able to request more than one or two chapters from a single book. Be sure to include the book/journal title, article/chapter title, author, date of publication. For journal articles, the addition of volume and issue information is extremely helpful.
For books, only the title and the author are required. Although an ISBN and/or date is very helpful if you need a particular edition. As noted elsewhere in the guide, very few libraries are able to lend entire e-books. If we are unable to obtain an e-book, we might suggest a purchase instead.
As many libraries do not lend Audiovisual materials, please allow more time to obtain these materials. For films, please note if you can use Blu-rays, DVDs, or either format. Due to copyright and technology limitations, we are not able to request digital music, films, or audiobooks through interlibrary loan.
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About the Library
Jessie Ball duPont Library, University of the South
178 Georgia Avenue, Sewanee, TN 37383