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Jessie Ball duPont Library

Sewanee Interlibrary Loan Services

How to use Sewanee ILL to request materials such as books, media, book chapters, and journal articles from other libraries and institutions.

When will my ILL materials arrive?

Many loans can take 2-4 weeks (or more) to arrive in the mail, so please keep this in when planning your research. Most articles and scanned book chapters are delivered electronically via a document delivery service called Article Exchange or by email attachment, so the turnaround time is much quicker. Please allow 2-7 business days for articles and book chapters to arrive. 

Your ILL materials will be on the ILL Pickup shelf located behind the Circulation Desk in the library's lobby. You may pick up your materials anytime the library is open. Please give the person at the desk your name and they will retrieve your materials for you.

By accepting this interlibrary loan item, you are pledging to take excellent care of it. Please do not remove the paperwork/strap that is included with the loan. The paperwork is very important for processing the return of your interlibrary loan, and some libraries consider it damage if the paperwork is not returned. Please do not underline, highlight, or write (even in pencil) in your interlibrary loan or have food or drink around while using your materials. Please remove any bookmarks or sticky notes before returning. Any of these things can be considered damage, and the patron is responsible for any repair and replacement costs at the discretion of the lending library. 

How do I access my articles and book chapters?

Most articles and scanned book chapters are delivered electronically via a document delivery service called Article Exchange. If you have enabled notifications, you will receive an email or text letting you know that your material is ready to download, and a URL link and password will be included to download your document. If you do not enable notifications, you can still access the URL link and password within your Sewanee ILL account. Links can be found beside each individual article/book chapter request.

Article Exchange keeps an article in their system for 30 days or 5 views (whatever comes first), so It is best to go ahead and print the document or save it to your computer or in the cloud so that you will be able to access it in the future.