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Jessie Ball duPont Library

ProQuest One Literature

A guide to One Literature from the provider, ProQuest


Browse Page

Browse Tips

Some ProQuest database products offer browsing (in addition to searching) as a way of finding content. Browse categories are available with specific databases and your organization's ProQuest subscription may not have all Browse categories.

1. Business - Browse to easily locate featured reports and other non-periodical content in ABI/INFORM Collection and ProQuest Entrepreneurship. Includes industry and market research reports, commodity reports, company reports, country reports, dissertations, topic paths, start-up tools and more featured content.

2. Careers - Browse career resources in Career & Technical Education Database.

3. Dissertations & Theses - Browse ProQuest Dissertations & Theses by subject or location.

4. Health & Medicine - Browse video training programs and recommended readings in Nursing & Allied Health Database.

5. History - Browse the Annual Register volumes by year from 1758 - 2016. Browse Civil War pamphlets and Slavery & Anti-Slavery pamphlets in ProQuest Civil War Era.